Saturday, 22 August 2009

Polka dots and Melanzane Parmigiana

By C.Elizabeth

Last Saturday we went out for a meal in honour of a member of the family's birthday. To my greatest pleasure, we all decided to eat Italian! I feel I never can go wrong with (vegetarian) Italian food as it is always very tasty. I had a meal called "Melanzane Parmigiana" and it was delicious. It's mainly made of aubergine,tomatoes and cheese. It looks pretty much like a lasagna.

It was the perfect occasion to wear my pretty new dress which I bought in a shop where I almost never go as I don't usually like anything they sell. It's called "Wardrobe" and it's in the little town where I live at the moment. I even found some gorgeous shoes! I think that from now on, I might visit this shop a bit more often... we never know!
It was also a good occasion to wear the beautiful ring my mom gave me a few years ago. It's the first ring my dad bought her in the 1970's, even before they got married! It has a perfect pearl on and I simply love it.


Couture Carrie said...

Gorgeous frock, darling!


Sweety P said...

The dress is so pretty!

Bree said...

Very lovely!

Jane Alisa said...

Love the polka dot dress, very cute .x.

Nora said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nora said...

Your dress looks great, and so does the food! And it's neither H&M nor IKEA =)

Baśka said...

dots are great for you :)) you look very very girly! love it!

the oaks said...

Thank you so much for your sweet note. I do so apppreciate it.

So love the dress and all the accessaries too. Looks like all had a great time!

So pretty!

The Sydney Girl said...

i <3 your pretty polka dot dress! and that food looks so yummy!!! x

muchlove said...

cute dress! and I love the vintage ring too. The story behind it just makes it extra special!

Mo said...

cute cute cute !

D.L. Verzosa said...

thanks for your warm compliment....
keep safe and have a wonderful weekend!!!

care to ex link?

Zhcsyra hp said...

i love ur outfits,.fab,.:))

Sher said...

The ring is so beautiful and I love the story behind it, so romantic:) Polka dots are fun, I love wearing them!

Sharon said...

Hi there-fabulous dress and your ring is divine!

Hanne said...

Your dress is sooo cute, beautiful outfit:)

Ruxandra said...

i think you look the polka dots...

Flashes of Style said...

pretty prettyy! I just love the dots. :)

Winnie said...

That dress is so pretty on you! I love the colour. I think it's super versatile too because you could belt it and it would be completely different!

I really like that sweet little ring you're wearing too!

Kati said...

What un unbelievable cute outfit!

D.L. Verzosa said...

care to ex link my dear???

D.L. Verzosa said...

BTW i already added your link

Unknown said...

They ring is divine. You look fantastic in polka dots!!

AX80 said...

Polkadots are cute but they can easily be overdone. However, your dress is very 50s. Which works.

PS: You should pull up your hair with that dress. Add a little touch.

Sierra said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog, I am enjoying yours! Your dress is darling, glad you enjoyed yourself. I heart Italian food by the way.

Nubiasnonsense said...

love polka dots, great blazer

DS said...

you look gorgeous lady! I love the polka dot dress and the ring is lovely!

MJ said...

You are fabulous. Lovwe your blog - I am such a fan!

HoneyBunny said...

WOw, gorgeous look, dear!
Love Italian food too:)

Serg Riva said...

nice blog

Dreampuff said...

=O!!! Polka Dots! My only weakness!! HOW DID YOU KNOW?!?!?!?!?!
You look fantastic. =]

I do hope to visit Canada one day. I live in Boston and its really only like 6 hours away by bus. Just never got the chance! But maybe now that I am 18 I can go and won't have to worry about crossing the boarder without parental consent.

Emily, Resplendent Tranquility said...

What a sweet story behind your lovely ring. Pearls have such a way of exuding elegance, don't they?

I'm liking your new dress. I've been searching for a polka dot dress, but haven't found "the one" yet ;) I also like how you wore it with those cute little white flats.

Annnd, that melanzane parmigiana looks insanely delicious!

RE: Yes! I like the way you've put that. Sepia photos DO seem to tell more of a story :)

Keith said...

Love the photos. Great clothes and great food. Hope your week has started off well. Cheers!

MizzJ said...

Such a cute outfit!

thanks for visiting my blog :)

♥ Marta ♥ said...

I've only warmed up to polka dots this summer and now I love them.... so feminine and cute :) LOve this outfit!

Lauretha Sudjono said...

I love the polka dress...

yiqin; said...

Looking so adorable in polka dots :) The shape is perfect.

Sher said...

Hi sweetie,
I just tagged you for an award!!


Anika said...

love the polka dress gorgeous. There's nothing quite like a well-executed polka dot outfit :)

Cafe Fashionista said...

I'm quite smitten with your shoes and accessories - the ring, the brooch, the little side bows on your ballerinas. What a divine ensemble, darling! :)

Polished Sense said...

Love the polka dots with all the accessories! Fabulous :P


Sierra said...

You asked for me to let you know about My Sister's Keeper and I saw the movie and I did not like it, it does not compare to the book! So, you must read the book, it is so good and a must read!! Enjoy and hope your day is going well! XO

Ariella said...

You really look wonderful in navy blue! That's such a pretty polka dotted dress! Really, I love it.

Mmm, and the Italian looks so yummy!

Syed said...

What a beautiful dress and I absolutely love that pearl ring :) Hope you're having a lovely day!

Christina said...

Oh, that ring is delightful. I'd wear it every day if it were mine.

Thanks for commenting on my little blog! It's an honor, really. And I adore yours-- it's so vintage-y and pretty and ladylike. I could read through the archives all day.

Neira said...

love the polka dots! and that ring looks so vintage engagement ring..i love it

thanks for the visit on my blog!
yours is adorable, im glad you love vintage looks, i will surely visit daily!

Jennifer Fabulous said...

Love the dress! That ring is gorgeous. :) Oh, and those shoes are fab!! You look amazing.

That Italian food looks yummy as well.

Sophia said...

the dress is adorable on you! and i love the brooch as well.

Ally said...

Cute dress !!

Imogen said...

This dress is so perfect. I'd love to have a dress like this.

Leia said...

Such a pretty dress and shoes!