Saturday, 20 June 2009

A day in Blackpool

By C.Elizabeth

Over the last week, my friend Ariella was here, visiting. It was really nice to meet up again after two years! This time we took a lot more pictures... we learned from our mistakes!

One of those days was spent in Blackpool. It's a seaside resort on the North West coast of England. Being from Canada, it was also the first time I went there so it made it even more exciting!

I thought the beach was very beautiful and the sky was breath taking! It reminded me of a beach somewhere in Florida (without the palm trees and very warm weather obviously). The weather was so nice that we walked along the beach our feet in the water.

Here are some pictures:


Baśka said...

you both are so cute, girls! :)

Anonymous said...

You two look so fun! I love the blue, red, and white outfits!

Unknown said...

What a great way to spend the day! Thank you for your comment. I enjoyed reading your posts. Don't be a stranger.

Damsels said...

those beach sohts are lovely

Couture Carrie said...

So fun! What gorgeous photos ~ the sky is so blue!

And you both look lovely! I am especially digging that navy blazer!


P.S. Thanks for your super sweet comment, C.E.!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful impressions :)... I already saw the pictures in Arielle's blog. They're so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

The sky is so blue! I love it!

Lenore said...

Thank you for your comment! :)

I LOVE these photos...the sky looks soooo fantastic...those clouds...


Sharon said...

Hi there-what lovely photos, hope you're having a fabulous time too!!

Indy said...

beautiful pictures, awesome style! The amazing blue sky compliments everything so well!

Yulia Rahmawati said...

I really love ur skirt sista

Kati said...

Lovely pics!

Emily, Resplendent Tranquility said...

The colors in these photos are brilliant! You two surely had a beautiful day for your beach excursion :)

Winnie said...

How lovely, you're so lucky the weather was nice! I've never thought to go to the beach at Blackpool and my family tend to head down south instead but it does look very lovely.

Anonymous said...


Raquel said...

oh wonderful beach! it looks like you had fun!
here it's so hot I wish I could dive in the sea right now (and its midnight!).

l said...

this looks like such fun

ps. let's trade links?

Nancy said...

I saw these pics on Ariella's blog and thought they were wonderful!

Annie said...

awww, such cute pictures! I wish the weather was nice enough here to get to the beach... sadly it's been raining for a week!

The Sydney Girl said...

i'm sure i saw these great photos on someone elses blog? am i right? is that your friend in the photos whose blog it might have been?

would love you to enter my giveaway!


Unknown said...

Love the pictures. The both of you look lovely. I can't wait for summer so i can walk bare foot in the sand.

Thanks for commenting my blogx

Imogen said...

Thanks for such a lovely comment, I feel like you understand. Your pictures are so beautiful. They look like something you would see on a postcard. The colours are so vivid, it makes me want to go there. I also like both yours and Ariella's outfits.

Anonymous said...


Thank you for the comment on my blog! Lingerie is one of the most fun things to shop nowadays, I think :)

Blackpool looks so gorgeous, that beach reminds me of the main beach in Bournemouth, have you ever been there?

*Diane* said...

you're both so pretty! and your pictures are beautiful!

Angela said...

looked like you two had so much fun. what beautiful photos.

The Sydney Girl said...

oh wow! that's nice you'll be going back home! where do you live now?


Annie Spandex said...

Fun! I miss the beach..

Ellie Lee said...

Lovely pictures and both of you look so cute!:D

What is Reality Anyway? said...

so pretty!!

Anonymous said...

What's the point of sending same pictures in two blogs?

Imogen said...

I passed on some awards to you on my blog.

yiqin; said...

The sky is so beautiful in your photos!!! :) & so are you :D

Jennifer Fabulous said...

Fab blog. I love the beach pictures...makes me want to be there. Sigh. :)

Fräulein Luise said...

What for a lovely sourrounding.
It looks as it have been the perfect day at seaside for you both!

chalortte said...

Nice , very nice pics !